Fallout 3 ending and people who bitch about it:
I've heard many things from people about the ending for this game. Things such as "unfullfilling", "calling your character a prick" and so on. Go look up the endings for the first two fallout games, it actually follows the style quite well. When you compare them all the fallout games dont ever have a spectacular ending. Its just really a recap of what happened after the main adventure about the people you interacted with and so on. Nothing awesome or something that makes you thing about life, thats just about it. And people also bitch about how you cant continue exploring after the end, WELL NO FUCK!! YOU DIED IN THE END!! Sure its annoying but just reload the game and you'll be fine. Hell I say start a new file and try a different path.
Its the same shit no matter what you say. Yes I will admit that XBL is better organized and a little better though out then PSN, but other then that its the same shit. Its a console plugged up into a server via the internet and neither is better then the other. FANBOYS ON BOTH SIDES, SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!!
The question "What would the founding fathers think?":
How the fuck would the founding fathers no about anything today? Unless they've been alive for the past 300 years and there minds have remained the same there is no way they could think about shit about the stuff that happens today in modern politics.
Done for now, possible more later.