View Profile slackerzac
I plot world domination in my freetime. And I have way to much free time.

Age 34, Male


Penn College of Technology

PennCollege of Technology

Joined on 5/8/07

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slackerzac's News

Posted by slackerzac - February 4th, 2009

Ebeeto's Hitman Walkthroughs

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Posted by slackerzac - February 3rd, 2009

I'm taking a hiatus from the game reviews, not that anyone cared and no I'm not bitching its a fact. So now that I've figured out how to embed videos from Youtube I'm going to put what ever the fuck I want up just because there funny to me and maybe you.

Today's video: Hitler gets banned from Xbox live

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Part 2

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Posted by slackerzac - January 31st, 2009

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A gift from the mods.

Posted by slackerzac - January 26th, 2009

Believe in the words of Tom Fulp and he shall lead you to the promise land.

Genisis 12-17

Okay? Some people maybe wondering about the made up scripture qoute but it does have a slight reason for this game review, no its not the Bible Game.

Today's review: Stronghold Crusader

Choose your side to the conquer the heathen and bring the word of Christ to this godless land or repel the infidel from your homeland in the name of Allah. Stronghold Crusader is a castle sim, real time strategy game set in the times of the Crusades. A time when war ravages the middle east between Christans and Muslims in attempts to claim the holy land. You will need to know how to control you forces and run your citys economy if you wish to last long.

Crusader has five modes of gameplay:

First there is Crusader mode. Which is kinda the main course of the game with 50 levels of play. In this mode you battle rival lords to dominate the battle field and bring his distruction. As you progress through the levels they get harder and harder. Sometimes you might be in a one on one battle, Two on one, and if your really good at the game you can even fight up to 4 CPU armies against you and you alone. Did I mention that the enemy seems to always move faster then you and has is walls up before you.

Second is the Historical Campaign mode. In this mode you play through the historical battles that happened during the times of the crusades. You can start out from the beginning of it all at the battle of Antioch or skip ahead and take control of the armies of Saladin and destroy the crusaders.

Third is Castle Builder. Want to take a break from all the fighting and just build your castle in peace? Then this mode should be just for you. Choose from a landscape and get to work at watching your small citidel in the middle of nowhere transform into a sprawling metropolis and the only question you ask yourself is, will you rule with an iron fist? Or a velvet glove? This mode is nice you have some fun with because you can control many game elements from fire, plauge, bandits, or a full scale invasion from the enemy.

Forth we have the Multiplayer Mode. This is the online portion of the game but sorry I've havent bothered to try this since I dont know anybody online who plays, plus I think you need to by the expansion pack to reap the full benifits of it all. However I have heard that there are still pockets of players across the internet who still play. So this option is not completly dead.

Fifth and final is the Custom Scenario Mode. Here you can make your own customized battlefields, castle builder levels. your really only limited to your imagination with all the game options at your disposal. From how many animals you want running around. How many trees in the area. Position of yours and your enemy's castle (for multiplayer). Lots of fun can be had with this mode.

Controls and Soldiers.

The controls for Crusader are pretty standard for a RTS. Create a riticule with your mouse and highlight your men and you can control them, or you can click on them one at a time if you want to be very specific where they go.

Units you control will very on the side you are fighting for. Arabic soldiers run from the lowly slave soldier armed only with a torch, to archers, horse archers, slingers that go figure are armed with slings, arabic knights, assassins, and fire throwers. Crusaders control more of a variety of soldiers such as archers, spearmen, macemen, swordsmen, knights on horseback, crossbowmen, soldier monks, and pikemen. You will need to masterfully use these troops if you are to kill the enemy.

Both sides will be able to use the same siege equipment, except for the fire ballista which can only be used by Arabic forces. Siege equipment ranges from ballistas, manganells, catapults, trebucays, and siege towers. All of which are built and operated by engineers.

Aside from all the fighting you will have to do you will also have to manage your city's economy and people. Your lowly peasents that you watch over will wait around the castle fire until work is avalble. You can assign them to cut wood, make weapons and armor, farm food, or make bread. Doing all this with limited funds and trying to keep everyone happy thorough religion, food supply, and not taxing so high so they continue to work instead of leaving the castle.

Overall Opinion

Overall Stronghold Crusader is a fun game thats nice for something different or if you want a real challenge. Best of all you can get this game cheap, I bought my copy at Target for $10.00. I give this game a 5 out of 5. Well thats all for now and remember "Try it before you buy it". If you have any questions, complaints, suggestions just say so below and I'll see what I can do.

Posted by slackerzac - December 3rd, 2008

Its been awhile since the last review but what can I tell you, college is a bitch. Now then, the review.....

Samurai Western

Samurai Western is brought to us by the same two companies, Acquire and Spike, that gave us the first two Way of the Samurai games along with there new third party company to help bring it to the States. This game is somewhat of a really distant cousin from its Way of the Samurai relatives, in the sense that its made by the same two companies, PS2 exclusive, the games share some certain items and characters althought used in a different sense, but the game is still able to remain its own.

A samurai named Gojiro comes to the Wild West in the 1800s to kill his brother, Rando who left the honorable path of the samurai and started to work for a man named Goldberg as a hired gun. Goldberg is in the process of building a utopia in the American desert and kidnaps a town of people to work as slave labor. It really isnt that deep of a plot, infact its vagely similar to just about any kind of anime plot but not as drawn out.

Sadley there is no free roaming in this game, its composed of set levels that can be played over and over again for attemping a higher score. Gameplay is similar to Dynasty Warriors, badguys are everywhere and you must kill them all until the game thinks its time to stop. Thats one of the weird things about this game is that is that you get part of your final score based off how many kills and how long to beat the level but for some reason the level stops after you killed a certain amount of enimes but there is no exact number of people of kill. Anyways, as you can guess by the title that you are armed with a sword while the evil cowboys are armed with guns ranging from revolvers, shotguns, rifles, and sub machine guns? Also fat old women throw TNT and bombs at you, very annoying. Now dont think that your going to get shot all to hell every single time because Gojiro poses the power of "shoot dodge", with just a tap of the R1 or circle button you can spin out of the path of bullet, you will do this a lot in later levels as you hack and slash your way though hordes of enimes. Swords, as you progress through the game you will unlock more swords from low stance, high stance, sheathed, one handed, to double swords. Depending on the stance of you sword your holding at the time will determine the special ability you can use when you fill up the "MP" bar when you kill enough enimes. Boss Battles, can be annoying espically when you have to fight them and constint spawning enimes along with them shooting you from every direction, which knocks you on the ground making you helpless as a turtle with no chance to get up and before you know it your dead.

I wish I could say more but there really is much more to say, so heres a video to give you people a clue of what the games like.

Overall Opinion
Samurai Western did have some more pontintial than what was final product. The plot could have been more developed. Game could have been longer. And the thing about part of the final score about how much time you took and number of kills should have been fixed. If you like anime then maybe you'll get a small kick out of it or if you in the mood for a mindless hack and slash game but want something different the Dynasty Warriors then you may like it to, just dont expect to much. Overall I would give Samurai Western a 2 out of 5.

Well thats it for now, if you have any comments or suggestions just say so below and I'll see what I can do. And remember "Try it, before you buy it".

Posted by slackerzac - October 18th, 2008

Lets keep this going so I can try to get some use out of it.

Hitman: Blood Money

Blood Money is the forth and latest installment in the Hitman series. You once again take the role of a genitically engineered clone assassin who goes by the name 47. Now whats one thing thats great about the Hitman games is that you dont need to play the previous games to understand whats going on since the story isnt that complicated. 47 is the best assassin in the world who works for the International Contract Agency or "The Agency" for short and in this game a rival contract agency called "The Franchise" is trying to take over as the lead contract agency in the wold by killing off other assassins and then leading up to 47. Thats about as deep as the plot goes but there is a little bit of a twist at the end but I dont feel like spoiling it for you, you'll just have to play the game.

Lets talk about weaponry and equipment. Now unlike in previous games where 47 just starts out with his Custom Silver Baller pistols, the agency provides 47 with a small array of upgradable fire power. Such as the traditional Custom Silver Baller handgun, an SMG, an assault rifle, a spaz 12 shotun, and a sniper rifle. These weapons start out pretty basic but you will be able to upgrade them as you obtain money from missions and progress through the game. Upgrades include things such as scopes, larger clips, laser pointer, more powerful ammunition, and other wonderful things to get the job done. 47 also carries with him into every mission 2 sedative syringes, which can be used on a civilian to knock them out so the body count stays low, 2 posion syringes for the target or really anyone you fell like, and a anti-personal mine that can be planted in suitcases or placed on light fixtures to make it all look like an accident. 47 can also pick up other weapons throughout the missions and can take them with him for later use in either future missions or replaying a previous mission to get a better score.

Now for the objectives and end mission scoring. Now in every mission you will have a main target to kill, sometimes there will be multiple targets. Sometimes however they will be a secondary objective such as picking up incriminating photos or a suitcase full of diamonds. More then likely to complete you objectives you will need to take on a disguise, which can be done by either knocking out or killing a guard or worker and then taking there clothes then hiding the body to avoid suspicion. Certain disguises can get you into certain areas while some can gain you access to all areas, as that individual may be an upper rank person or have a certain key. Okay now lets say you've killed your main target, did the secondary objective, and have made it to the exit point and have completed the mission. First thing you will see is the Mission Accomplishments screen which tells you how many people you killed, disguise broken, caught on camera, etc. Then you will see the Mission Performance screen that shows you an a scale of 1:10 on the amont of violence you used and how much noise you made, followed by how much time you took, then your mission ranking which can determine how much you are paid per mission. Next is a newspaper front page that goes over the crime scene of what police found based on your perfromance, such as leaving evidence or if you were caught on camera.

Whats probley the best thing about the hitman games is the amount of freedom you have. The missions are basically are set up like this, first you go through the briefing, then pick you weapons, then the game places 47 in the level, after that its completly up to you on how the mission gets done. If you want to go in guns blazing, kill everybody and the family dog, then go right ahead. If you want to challange youself and try to sneak around unnoticed to get the best ranking, Silent Assassin, you can do that to. Another thing about the missions is that there is variety in the mission layouts, one is set in a rundown pier amusment park, then theres one set in a rehab center in northern California, and then another is set a a porn tycoon's Colorado mountain mansion. There is one thing though I dont really like about this game and that is the difficulty curve, there is none. Sure you can select the difficulty from rookie to proffessional but it doesnt really make the game more difficult. With rookie mode being the easist, you can see everybody on the map from an innocent civilian to your main target as well as points of interest. As you increase the difficulty the map gets more and more taken away until you are up to proffessional difficulty and the only blip on the map is your targets position. Thats it, the A.I. doesnt get any smarter, the target isnt any harder to find or kill, no different objectives, nothing really.

All in all I would give Hitman: Blood Money a 4 out of 5. Its a great game that gives the player lots of freedom to accomplish objectives in the way you choose. Very simple storyline that you dont have to pay attention to and can just jump right into any game of the series. Thats all for now until the I decide what to review next, if you have any suggestions just say so below and I'll see what I can do.

Posted by slackerzac - September 17th, 2008

Its been about a month since my last game review so I decided to put up a new one, Rockstars latest of its most controversial series and I know its been out for awhile but hell why not.

Grand Theft Auto IV

GTA IV is set in a compleley revamped Liberty City and your character is Nico Belic, a man who comes to America to find the one who backstabed his squad during the fictional war that happened in the old country. When one first steps into the new Liberty City you will be amazed by the graphics weather your playing on a HDTV or the one in the living room, as they are by far the best for any GTA game. The car physics are nice and made to act as realistically as possible such as turning the car, damage of the car, and the scraping of the paint job if you drive to close to something. Rockstar has added "ragdoll" physics to the game making it even more realistic such as when you gun down a pedastrian or fly through the windshield of your car. Now the missions are what makes the core of every GTA game, they usually vary in difficulty and objectives and usually come with a nice variety. But sadly this is not true for GTA IV, missions are mainly go to a certain location and kill everyone. Sometimes you will have to pick up an item or chase someone down but they all mainly boil down to the same thing with the execption for a few missions. And now for the side missions which is starting to play a more important role in the GTA games. Rockstar has built apon the dating aspect of GTA:SA and now you can hang out with certain friends by doing activitys such as bowling, pool, drinking, and other such events. By hanging out with friends you are able to earn special benifits if they like you enough such as selling you cheaper weapons, sending you backup, or a ride. Although useful sometimes it can be annoying as they can call you at bad times and you cant shoot a gun and manage a phone at the same time resulting in you dying and having to do the mission over again. In GTA IV the familiar hidden package is gone and replaced with pigons or "flying rats" and instead of 100 there are 200 that must be shot, thankfully there are stationary and can be easy to find (with some help of a gameguide), some more then others. It is fun however to watch them blow up into a puff of feathers when they die though. As expected there is racing side missions but Rockstar has redone the car theft side mission to make although interesting but a little easier then previous games, instead of running around the map looking for the cars, Niko will get an Email (yes there is internet in GTA IV, nothing great though and no porn lol) and you can choose to accept the mission when ever you have a free moment and the car will appear as a blip on the radar waiting for you and usually has a few armed drug dealers near by but are easily delt with and then the car can be taken to a garage where Niko will recieave payment for his deeds. And now the weapons and pedestians. The weapon selection has improved yet degraded, there are melee weapons, assult rifles, pistols, shotguns, grenades, sniper rifles, molotov cocktails, and RPGs. All of which can get the job done perfectly fine but to me they are not has fun to use in GTA IV, I miss the chainsaw, minigun, and flamethrower. The pedstrians have never been so much fun to run over in a GTA game, in my opinion this is the best part of GTA IV, the blood smearing everywhere on the car and streets with the ragdoll physic engine will have you laughing a guilty laugh each time you play. Online play, I cant really say much for online play as I have not had much experiance with but here it goes. Its nothing that great and not alot of people are on now since the games realease but it still can be fun with the few people who do still play online and really its good for Rockstars first attempt at it.

Over all I would give GTA IV a 3 out of 5 because of the lack of variety in missions but the game has plenty of witty dialog, some fun side missions and beautiful graphics but sadly is not above the "try it before you buy it" rule much like its predecsors. If you have any suggestions please say so in the comments.

Posted by slackerzac - August 11th, 2008

I plan to review both old and new games across the several systems that I own and I will post them when I feel like it. So lets start this of with Capcom's sleeper hit, Way of the Samurai 2.

Way of the Saumurai 2

This game is set in Japan's industrial revolution in the fictional town of Amahara. You play as a samurai that you can customize by name, clothing, and other options the appear as you play the game more. There are three factions that are seeking control of Amahara, the shogunate government, the magistrates (sort of like the police), and the yakuza Auto Gang. You can join any of these forces or treat each of them like enemies. If you choose to join one of the sides your actions, such as taking jobs, helping storyline characters will increase the strength of that faction and it will determine which ending you will recieve of the different possible endings. Doing the jobs can get reptative since there is little variety but it sometimes is nessacary if you need the cash. The game progresses over 10 game days but depending on the decisions you make it might end before the 10 days are up. There is a very wide variety of swords in the game, all of which are based of real sword styles and stances such as twin swords, ninja katanas, and many more, and the combat is pretty realistic. The graphics are good for a 2004 game, it can be pretty bloody at times. The voice overs are good with only minor and ignorable lip syncing problems(its from Japan go figure). This game is rated M for mature for Blood, Violence, and Strong Language.

All in all I would give Way of the Samurai a 4 out of 5. Its a good game if you are in the mood for some realistic swordplay or just want to add some variety to your game collection with a semi-rare title.

-Experience realistic swordplay.

-More the 60 swords to collect.

-Customize your character from dress, name, gender, and sword of choice.

-Multiple endings determined by players action.

Heres some footage made with the japanese version.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K3gRPWB WeHY

And there you have it, my first game review. If you have any suggestions or advice please say in the coments below. And remember "Try it, before you buy it".

Posted by slackerzac - February 17th, 2008

Hello there, if you would be so kind as to check out my friend ixintro's cartoon. Its the first one there in my favorites. Tywo at Large Ep. 1, its a funny, well animated, well written movie that I promise you will laugh you ass off at (I did the voice over for the rasta man). And if you would also vote on it and leave a comment would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.

Posted by slackerzac - January 11th, 2008

I'm writing this because I'm bored with the last post. So to anyone who sees this one, hello.